The environment we live in can either help or make it difficult for us to live as we like. For example, if we would like to live close to nature, being in a big city does not...


Currently, the most widespread ways of getting a home are either through lease or direct homeownership. The main difference between these two options is who physically owns the...


Organization can come either from the realm of the public administration, usually through social housing, or through direct ownership, be it individual or community based, or...


Sharing is part of the human condition, it allows us to argue, laugh, join up experience and collectively communicate and construct thoughts and ideas... Depending on our own...


In order to find a place to live, beyond using the usual search mechanisms (real estate agents, the grape vine, etc.) there exist other ways of proceeding that might enable us...


In order to pay for a home there are many options that differ from the typical bank mortgage. These options can allow us to reduce costs, are socially more responsible and can...


To conceive the places we inhabit from a woman's point of view leads us to rethink space, the city and the house itself. This means making movement easier between the different...


Given the gradual increase of housing prices for a growing number of families, to the point of setting off all sorts of social alarms with the advent of the financial and...


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On the left-hand column you can rearrange the questions and organize them according to the phases of a process.

We understand housing as a process, so we have structured the content of the page according to the three main phases we have defined in the collective process of housing design. It is important to note that at each stage of the process we can encounter a variety of challenges and difficulties.

You can watch some videos that explain this approach on the pages dedicated to each phase:

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